The Interface Bar, also the Main Menu Bar,[1] is the UI bar at the bottom of the screen for command shortcuts and the experience bar. Prior to patch 8.0.1, it also contained the micro menu and bag slots.
Nov 25, 2018 For rep, click your character icon and choose the Reputation tab. Find the rep you are tracking and untick the box that says: Show As Experience Bar. For Honor, click the group finder icon and choose the Player vs. Right-click the red circle showing your Honor on the right side. Then choose to untick the Show As Experience Bar option.

- Since patch 8.0.1
- Get 'Basic Experience Bar' addon, this is best alternative i have found so far. Bartender 3.1.2 will show you an xp bar, I use it. World of Warcraft non.
- Nov 20, 2020 World of Warcraft Addons, Interfaces, Skins, Mods & Community. This addon adds a little XP Bar under your portrait. XP is shown in percentage, you see when you have rested XP (show '(+xxx)' in the bar) and the bar has the same colors as the original XP bar (purple for normal xp and blue for rested xp).
Additional action bar (Bottom Left, without Bottom Right) |
Additional action bar (Bottom Right, without Bottom Left) |
Additional action bars (Bottom Left and Bottom Right bar) |
- Prior to patch 8.0.1
Additional action bars just above the interface bar |
Patch changes
- Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Moved the Micro Menu and Bag Slots off the inteface bar.
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed the Keyring.
- The file name for the gryphon appearing on the bar is
. Likewise, the unused lion art is named UI-MainMenuBar-EndCap-Human.blp
.- This could indicate that the user interface were originally planned to be race-specific, like in Warcraft III.
- ^The codename given in the game files
Always accessible |
- Interface Bar
- Micro Menu
- Character info
- Spellbook & Abilities
- Specialization & Talents
- Achievements
- Map & Quest Log
- Guild & Communities
- Group Finder
- Collections
- Game Menu
| - Auction House
- Bank
- Warboard
| | - A New Direction
- Fel Secrets
| - Heart Forge
- Scrappers
- Scrap-O-Matic 1000
- Shred-Master Mk1
- Jani's Junkpile
- War Campaign
- Kul Tiras Campaign
- Zandalar Campaign
- Warfront
| |
| |
Retrieved from 'https://wow.gamepedia.com/Interface_Bar?oldid=5448901'
The Experience Bar shows your current experience point total and how much you need to reach next level.[1]
This bar can also be used to track a reputation by checking 'Show as Experience Bar', the amount of Artifact Power on the current Artifact weapon or the Heart of Azeroth, if equipped.

Rest Marker
Warcraft How To Show Experience Bar
The Rest Marker shows your rest state. In rested state, you earn 200 percent of experience from kills. In normal state, you earn 100 percent of experience. Rest state does not affect quest or exploration experience.[2]
Reputation is always on top (except when it comes to AP) |
- Removed
Wow Classic Show Experience Bar
Artifact Power bar empty, likely a bug with the maximum AP during Legion |
Patch changes
Wow Xp Bar
- Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Moved to the bottom of the interface bar.
- Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Now shows the artifact power for the current Artifact weapon if equipped. Honor bar added.
- ^Blizzard Entertainment. 'Chapter 3', World of Warcraft: Game Manual, 18.
- ^Blizzard Entertainment. 'Chapter 3', World of Warcraft: Game Manual, 19.

Always accessible |
- Experience Bar
- Micro Menu
- Character info
- Spellbook & Abilities
- Specialization & Talents
- Achievements
- Map & Quest Log
- Guild & Communities
- Group Finder
- Collections
- Game Menu
| - Auction House
- Bank
- Warboard
| | - A New Direction
- Fel Secrets
| - Heart Forge
- Scrappers
- Scrap-O-Matic 1000
- Shred-Master Mk1
- Jani's Junkpile
- War Campaign
- Kul Tiras Campaign
- Zandalar Campaign
- Warfront
| |
| |
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