- Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Program For Windows 10
- Eeprom Writer Reader
- Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Program For Mac
- Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Program For Pc
Unplug any PL2303 USB Device first. Run Driver Installer EXE program to install. Plug PL2303 USB Device and go to Device Manager to check COM Port number. If PL2303 is embedded, you might need to restart Windows or rescan hardware in Device Manager. Refer to PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual. PL2303 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Prolific Technology Inc. Zoom in zoom out 6 / 30 page. Revised Date: March 20, 2013. Figure 6-1 PL2303 EEPROM Writer Program. Power on your computer and boot to Windows. Run or double-click the PL-2303 Windows Driver Installer program. The InstallShield Wizard will be displayed to inform you that the PL-2303 USB-to-Serial driver will be installed on your computer. Click Next to continue. Prolific Technology Inc.
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- PL2303_DriverInstaller_1181_20170504.zip
- PL2303 Windows Driver User Manual v1.18.0.pdf
- PL2303_DriverInstallerv1.18.1_ReleaseNote.txt
- Hardware Certification Report - 1152921504626450757.pdf
- PL2303_CheckChipVersion_v1006.exe
- PL2303CheckChipVersion_ReadMe.txt
- PL2303_DriverInstaller_1181_20170504.exe
Pobierz plik - link do postu
PL2303_DriverInstaller_1181_20170504.zip > PL2303CheckChipVersion_ReadMe.txt
PL-2303 CheckChipVersion Tool Program v1.0.0.6
For Windows OS Only
System Requirement:
. USB 1.1/2.0/3.0 Host Controller
. Device using PL2303HX/X/EA/RA/SA/TA/TB version chips
. PL-2303 Windows Driver Installer v1.8.0 or above
. Supports the following Windows OS Family:
- Windows XP SP2 and above (32 & 64 bit)
- Windows Vista (32 & 64 bit)
- Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
- Windows 8/8.1/10 (32 & 64 bit)
- Windows 8 is NOT supported in HXA/XA chip versions (will show yellow mark Error Code 10).
- Windows 8 is supported only in following chip versions:
- PL2303HXD (HX Rev D)
- PL2303EA (ESD protection)
- PL2303RA (Built-in transceiver)
- PL2303SA (SOP8 package)
- PL2303TA (PL2303HXA/XA replacement)
- PL2303TB (12 GPIO)
Supported device ID and product strings:
. VID_067B & PID_2303 for " Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port "
. VID_067B & PID_2304 for " Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port " (PL2303TB chip)
. Other VID/PID based on PL2303 chip.
How to Run Tool Program
1. Install PL-2303 Windows Driver Installer v1.8.0 or above.
2. Plug PL2303 USB Device and go to Device Manager to check COM Port number.
3. Run PL2303CheckChipVersion tool and set COM Port number.
4. Click Check button to show PL-2303 chip version.
NOTE: This program cannot detect HXA/XA chip in Windows 8 and above.
Download Latest Driver here:
http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=225 & pcid=41
Prolific Technology Inc.
PL2303_DriverInstaller_1181_20170504.zip > PL2303_DriverInstallerv1.18.1_ReleaseNote.txt
PL2303 Driver Setup Installer, Prolific Edition v1.18.1
Setup Installer Revision Note History
System Requirement:
. USB 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.1 Host Controller
. Device using PL2303HXA/XA/HXD/EA/RA/SA/TA/TB version chips
. Supports the following Windows OS Family (32 and 64 bit):
- Windows XP SP3
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2008R2
- Windows 8
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 8.1
- Windows Server 2012R2
- Windows 10 (TH1/TH2/RS1/RS2)
- Windows Server 2016
- PL2303HXA/XA EOL chip versions (discontinued) will NOT be supported in Windows 8/8.1/Server2012/Server2012R2 and Windows 10 onwards.
- Download latest PL2303 CheckChipVersion tool program to check chip version in Windows 7. (Or contact your cable vendor)
- Prolific recommends cables with PL2303HXD or PL2303TA chip.
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP driver technical support are discontinued.
Supported device ID and product strings:
. VID_067B & PID_2303 for " Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port " (PL2303 series)
. VID_067B & PID_2304 for " Prolific USB-to-GPIO/PWM Port " (PL2303TB chip)
Driver Versions:
- WDF WHQL Driver: v3.8.12.0 (03/03/2017) - for Windows 7/8/8.1/10; Server2008/2008R2/2012/2012R2/2016
- WDM WHQL Driver: v2.1.51.238 (10/22/2013) - for Windows 2000/XP/Server2003
Release Notes:
PL2303 Driver Installer v1.18.1
Installer & Build date: 1.18.1 (2017-05-04)
Installer Driver v1.18.1 (05/04/2017):
Revision Change:
. Fixed silent installation function (/s syntax)
Windows WDF WHQL Driver v3.8.12.0 (03/03/2017):
Driver Revision Change:
. Added WDF co-installer WdfCoInstaller01009.DLL and SER2PL.DLL:
- Fixed Windows Vista driver support installation issue.
- Modify/Added several baud-rate support display in Driver Properties
NOTE: Actual baud-rate setting is still dependent on the serial port software settings.
Previous History:
Driver v3.8.10.0 (Driver Installer v1.17.0):
. Fixed 1200bps baud rate data error customer issue.
. Fixed docking system sometimes cannot detect device during suspend-resume burnin test.
Driver v3.8.30 (Driver Installer v1.16.0):
. Fixed COM port no response (freeze) when doing continuous quick USB hotplug with serial mouse attached.
Driver v3.8.2.0 (Driver Installer v1.15.0): {unreleased}
. Fixed RS485 compatibility (using RTS pin control) in PL2303HXD OTPROM Writer setting.
- For RS485 cable based on Prolific reference schematic, need to use latest EEWriter v2.2.0.0 or above.
Driver v3.8.1.3 (Driver Installer v1.14.0):
. Formal submit driver for Windows 10 Redstone version 1607 Build 14393 (Anniversary Update) and Server 2016 HLK certification. Rca living stereo 60 cd collection rar.
. Fixed customer issue for 19200bps baudrate timing (PL2303TA chip) on BGM device.
Driver v3.8.0.0 (Driver Installer v1.13.0): {unreleased}
. Add Windows 10 Device Guard compatibility (Hypervisor Code Integrity Readiness HLK Test).
. Fixed Notebook PC USB Docking hotplug issue in Windows 7 and Intel USB 3.0 host (cannot release COM port).
Driver v3.6.81.357 (Driver Installer v1.12.0):
. Fixed timing delay issue.
Driver v3.6.78.350 (Driver Installer v1.11.0):
. Fixed customer BSOD issue when plug in USB 3.0 host controller under Windows 8.1.
. Supports GPIO default value configuration in external EEPROM or OTPROM using EEWriter v2.1.0.0.
. Passed Windows 10 logo certification (HLK).
Driver v3.4.67.325 (Driver Installer v1.10.0):
. Fixed Win7/8 to WinXP data transfer customer issue (38400bps). Adjust timeout constant.
. Fixed problem with SecureCRT program when setting DTR/DSR flow control.
. Fixed ClearCommError issue.
. Added 5787 and 300kbps baudrate support.
. Supports " IRP_MJ_CLEANUP " . Fixed customer application cannot re-open COM port after closing port.
. Improve device enumeration when PC reboots and device is plugged in.
Driver v3.4.62.293 (Driver Installer v1.9.0):
. Driver will delay 1.5ms when AP execute GET_MODEMSTATUS.
. Fixed teraterm timeout/slow response issue.
. Fixed GPIO 2 & 3 function for HXD chip.
. Add 3250000bps baud support.
. GPIO 2,3 set as default input pin.
. Add auxiliary GPIO 4~7 driver support for HXD chip.
. Fixed modem issue (Disable SerialWdmFileRead).
. Add 256000 bps baud support for PL2303TA/TB.
. Fixed customer VB AP issue.
. Improve Serial Mouse enumeration.
Driver v3.4.48.272 (Driver Installer v1.8.0 & 1.8.19):
. Fixed 110 bps on PL2303RA/SA/EA/TA/TB.
. Modify CheckChipVersion API (do not lock VID/PID).
. Fixed HXD chip is detected as HXC chip when BCD is written as 0300 instead of 0400.
. Added 80bps baud support.
. Fixed GPS device will be detected as MS Serial Ballpoint device.
. Fixed driver conflict with different VID/PID device. (STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION)
. Fixed Teraterm loopback timeout issue.
Driver v3.4.36.247 (Driver Installer v1.7.0):
. Fixed Putty/HTerm BSOD issue in Win7 64-bit. (for HXD chip only)
. Fixed HyperTerminal timeout issue when transferring large file. (for HXD chip only)
. Fixed Windows HCK logo test for Windows 8, 7, Vista WHQL driver.
Driver v3.4.31.231:
. Added driver support for new chip versions (PL2303EA, RA, SA).
. Supports new CheckChipVersion v1.0.0.2 and above program for checking all Prolific chip version.
. Fixed COM Port won't disappear when unplug PL2303 during data transfer (Write Timeout issue).
. Fixed Putty program BSOD issue on continuous transfer at 115200bps.
. Fixed 12Mbps baudrate support for PL2303TB chip version.
. Does NOT support Windows 8 for EOL chip versions (PL2303H, PL2303HXA, PL2303XA).
. For Windows 8: use PL2303HXD, PL2303TA, PL2303EA, PL2303SA, PL2303RA, PL2303TB.
Driver v3.4.25.218:
. Added driver support for Prolific next-gen USB-to-Serial chips (Codename TA/TB).
- old driver will not work on baudrates higher than 115200bps.
. No driver functional difference for current H/HX/X chip versions.
Driver v3.3.17.203:
. Use different service name in INF file to avoid driver conflict with XP INF driver.
- change line in INF file to {Serial.SVCDESC = " Prolific Serial port WDFdriver " }
. Added USB Selective Suspend power saving feature requested by Notebook PC vendors.
- Chip will go to sleep mode when idle for 10 seconds and COM port not open.
- Chip will NOT go to sleep mode when COM port is OPEN.
- requires to write Remote Wakeup in external EEPROM.
. Modify " SerialUndoExternalNaming " routine.
- Fix COM port is not removed in registry when device is unplug and program still open.
- update registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHARDWAREDEVICEMAPSERIAL COMM when unplug and replug.
. Added support for TransmitCommChar() function.
. Added SpinLock function to fix customer GPS application.
Windows WDM 2000/XP/Server2003 Driver v2.1.51.238 (10/22/2013)
Beginning September 2014, Windows XP driver will not be updated anymore.
Driver Change from v2.1.44.226 (Driver Installer v1.8.0 & 1.8.19):
. Driver will delay 1.5ms when AP execute GET_MODEMSTATUS.
. Fixed GPIO 2 & 3 function for HXD chip.
. Add 3250000bps baud support.
. GPIO 2,3 set as default input pin.
. Add auxiliary GPIO 4~7 driver support for HXD chip.
. Add 256000 bps baud support for PL2303TA/TB.
. Improve Serial Mouse enumeration.
. Fixed WHQL test using HCK 2.0.
Driver Change from v2.1.35.211 (Driver Installer v1.7.0):
. Fixed 110 bps on PL2303RA/SA/EA/TA/TB.
. Modify CheckChipVersion API (do not lock VID/PID).
. Fixed HXD chip is detected as HXC chip when BCD is written as 0300 instead of 0400.
. Added 80bps baud support.
. Fixed GPS device will be detected as MS Serial Ballpoint device.
. Fixed Disable-Enable device issue in Windows 2000 Device Manager.
Driver Change from v2.1.30.193:
. Fixed write timeout intermittent issue (COM port won't disappear) during USB surprise removal.
. Fixed new Windows HCK logo test for XP WHQL driver.
Driver Change from v2.1.27.185:
. Added driver support for new chip versions (PL2303EA, RA, SA).
. Supports new CheckChipVersion v1.0.0.2 and above program for checking all Prolific chip version.
. Fixed COM Port won't disappear when unplug PL2303 during data transfer (Write Timeout issue).
. Fixed 12Mbps baudrate support for PL2303TB chip version.
Driver Change from v2.0.16.166:
. Added driver support for Prolific next-gen USB-to-Serial chips (Codename TA/TB).
- old driver will not work on baudrates higher than 115200bps.
. No driver functional difference for current H/HX/X chip versions.
Driver Change from v2.0.13.130:
. Use different service name in INF file to avoid driver conflict with Vista/7 INF driver.
- change line in INF file to {Serial.SVCDESC = " Prolific Serial port WDMdriver " }
. Added 10ms delay (downstream buffer) on close COM port to fix customer MCU application.
Language Support:
- English (default)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Japanese
Download Latest Driver here:
http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=225 & pcid=41
Counterfeit Warning!!!
Please be warned that counterfeit/fake PL-2303HX Chip Rev A (or PL-2303HXA) USB to Serial Controller ICs using Prolific's trademark logo, brandname, and device drivers, are being sold in the China market. Counterfeit IC products show exactly the same outside chip markings but generally are of poor quality and causes Windows driver compatibility issues (Yellow Mark Error Code 10 in Windows 7 Device Manager). We issue this warning to all our customers and consumers to avoid confusion and false purchase. Only purchase branded cables that provide technical support and warranty service. Prolific does not manufacture nor sell end-product cables.
How to Install Driver
1. Unplug any PL2303 USB Device first.
2. Run Driver Installer EXE program to install. Wait to finish.
3. Plug PL2303 USB Device and go to Device Manager to check COM Port number.
4. If PL2303 is embedded, you might need to restart Windows or rescan hardware in Device Manager.
5. Refer to PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual.
NOTE: For silent install, include the syntax " /s " at the end of the EXE installer program.
For example: " PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.10.0.exe /s "
Prolific Technology Inc.
PL2303_DriverInstaller_1181_20170504.zip > PL2303 Windows Driver User Manual v1.18.0.pdf
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
PL2303 USB-to-Serial Bridge Chip Family
Windows Driver Installer User Manual
WHQL Driver Version Information
? Driver Installer & Build date: 1.18.0 (2017-03-23)
GUID: ECC3713C-08A4-40E3-95F1-7D0704F1CE5E
WHQL WDM Driver: v2.1.51.238 (10/22/2013)
Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 (32 & 64-bit)
WHQL WDF Driver: v3.8.12.0 (03/03/2017)
Windows 10 TH1/TH2/RS1/RS2 (32 & 64-bit)
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 (32 & 64-bit)
Compatible with Windows Server 2008/2008R2, Server 2012/2012R2, Server 2016 (64-bit)
Drivers automatically install via Windows Update (need Internet connection)
System Requirements
PC with USB 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.1 Host Controller (USB Port) and Windows OS.
USB Device with below PL-2303 chip versions and their supported OS Family:
Windows 10
2000 / XP
Vista / 7
8 / 8.1
Server 2003
Server 2016
(32 & 64 bit)
(32 & 64 bit)
(32 & 64 bit)
(32 & 64 bit)
Not Supported*
Not Supported*
PL-2303HX (Rev A)
Not Supported*
Not Supported*
PL-2303X or XA
Not Supported*
Not Supported*
Chip Version
PL-2303HX (Rev D) or
* - PL2303H, PL-2303HX (Rev A), and PL-2303X are EOL and discontinued chips and Prolific will not
provide Windows 8 (and above versions) driver support. New driver versions will show yellow mark (Error
Code 10) in Device Manager for these EOL chip versions under Windows 8 or above OS versions.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 1 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Counterfeit Warning!!!
Please be warned that counterfeit/fake PL-2303HX Rev A (or PL-2303HXA) USB-to-Serial Controller
ICs using Prolific's trademark logo, product name, and drivers are being sold in the China market.
Counterfeit IC products show exactly the same outside chip markings but generally are of poor quality
and causes Windows driver compatibility issues (Yellow Mark Error Code 10 in Device Manager under
WinXP, Vista, and 7). This warning is issued to all customers and consumers to avoid confusion and
false purchase. Please purchase only from stores or vendors providing technical and RMA support.
Windows 7 Driver Installation
This section will guide you on how to install the PL-2303 Windows Driver. You can download the latest
Driver Installer program from Prolific Support website:
http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=225 & pcid=41
Note: Please take notice of the installation order. First, run the Driver Installer Program before
plugging in the USB to Serial adapter. If you already plug the device during the driver installation, you
need to re-plug the device for Windows to enumerate the device and load the drivers installed. If your
device is embedded to the system, you might need to restart the system (or click rescan hardware
changes in Device Manager) to reload and install the driver.
The following steps will show how to install the device under Windows 7 (64-bit) OS as this is the most
inquired driver installation support received by Prolific. The procedures are the same and straightforward for all other supported Windows operating system versions.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 2 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Power on your computer and boot to Windows. Run or double-click the PL-2303 Windows Driver
Installer program.
The InstallShield Wizard will be displayed to inform you that the PL-2303 USB-to-Serial driver
will be installed on your computer. Click Next to continue.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 3 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
The PL-2303 Driver Installer program will then start to install the drivers needed.
Click the Finish button to close the InstallShield program. If you have plugged the cable into the
PC while running the setup installation, please unplug and replug the cable for the system to
detect the device.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 4 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Plug in the USB to Serial adapter to the PC USB port. Windows should detect the driver as
Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port. Go to Device Manager and check for the 'Prolific
USB-to-Serial Comm Port' device and the COM port number assigned by Windows.
You can also check the driver version by right-clicking on the 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port'
device and select Properties and Driver tab.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 5 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
If you are encountering yellow mark (Error Code 10) for device in Device Manager under Windows XP,
Vista, or Windows 7, you need to contact the cable vendor or manufacturer for possible counterfeit
chip. Prolific does not manufacture or sell any end-user market products and will not provide or be
responsible for direct support to end-users.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 6 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Windows Driver Installation (via Windows Update)
This section guides you on how to install the PL-2303 Windows Driver via Windows Update. You will
need an Internet connection to automatically download and install the drivers via Windows Update:
Operating Systems
Windows Update
Windows 7
Windows 8 / 8.1
(32 & 64 bit)
(32 & 64 bit)
Windows 10
Server 2016
(32 & 64 bit)
Check if your Internet connection is OK. Plug in PL-2303 USB to Serial cable.
Windows will automatically check Windows Update if driver is available and will download and
install the driver instantly.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 7 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Windows will then prompt you that Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COMx) is installed and
ready to use.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 8 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
You can also right-click on the USB-Serial Controller device and click Update Driver.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 9 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 10 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Windows 8/8.1/10 Supported Chip Versions
This section will guide you on what PL-2303 chip versions are supported by Prolific in Windows 8:
Chip Version
Chip Availability
Windows 8/8.1/10 (32 & 64 bit)
Discontinued (EOL)
No New Driver Support*
PL-2303HX (Rev A) or HXA
Discontinued (EOL)
No New Driver Support*
PL-2303X or XA
Discontinued (EOL)
No New Driver Support*
PL-2303HX (Rev D) or HXD
* - New Driver does not support PL-2303H, PL2303HX (Rev A), and PL2303X in Windows 8/8.1/10. It will show a
yellow mark (Error Code 10) in Device Manager similar to what counterfeit chips would show.
Check Chip Version Tool
Prolific provides a tool program inside the driver package to check the chip version of your device:
http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=225 & pcid=41
This tool will not work in Windows 8/8.1/10 if the PL-2303 device shows a yellow mark in Device
Manager. You need to use Windows 7 or XP to run the tool program for discontinued chip versions.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 11 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Windows 8/8.1/10 Driver Installation
This section shows how to install the PL-2303 device in Windows 8 or 8.1 or 10 Operating System.
You can download the latest Driver Installer program from Prolific Support website:
http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=225 & pcid=41
Power on your computer and boot to Windows. Run or double-click the PL-2303 Windows Driver
Installer program. The InstallShield Wizard will be displayed to inform you that the PL-2303
USB-to-Serial driver will be installed on your computer. Click Next to continue.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 12 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
The PL-2303 Driver Installer program will then start to install the drivers needed. Click the Finish
button to close the InstallShield program.
Plug in the USB to Serial adapter to the PC USB port. Windows should detect the driver as
'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port'. Go to Device Manager and check for the device and the
COM port number assigned by Windows. You can also check the driver version by right-clicking
on the 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port' device and select Properties and Driver tab.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 13 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
The COM Port number for the PL-2303 is assigned by the Windows Operating System. If you
encounter a device that shows a yellow mark (Error Code 10), please check if the device is using
an old version Prolific chip (PL-2303HXA or PL-2303XA) or a counterfeit chip. As mentioned in
the previous sections, Prolific does not support old version chips in Windows 8 and above.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 14 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Uninstalling the PL-2303 Driver
To uninstall the PL-2303 driver, follow the below steps:
Click Start - Control Panel - Programs - Programs and Features - Uninstall a Program. Look for
the 'PL-2303 USB-to-Serial' program and click the Uninstall (Remove) button.
InstallShield Wizard will then start the maintenance program and will prompt you to choose if you
want to modify, repair, or remove the driver. Click the Remove button and click Next to begin the
driver uninstall.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 15 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
The InstallShield Wizard will prompt you to confirm to uninstall. Click Yes to continue.
Wait for the InstallShield Wizard to complete the uninstall process. When complete, click Finish
to end the program. Wait for some few seconds until the 'PL-2303 USB-to-Serial' program is
removed from the Control Panel Uninstall (Add or Remove Programs) program list.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 16 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303 Windows Driver User's Manual
For Driver Installer v1.18.0 Release
For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
If you are using Windows Server versions or installed the driver thru Windows Update, you may
need to do this extra step if driver is not completely uninstalled. Plug back the PL2303 device to
the computer and go to Device Manager and right-click 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port'. Click
Uninstall and click enable the checkbox 'Delete the driver software for this device'. Click OK to
completely uninstall the driver.
Prolific Technology Inc.
- 17 of 17 -
March 24, 2017
All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Prolific Technology Inc. does not make any warranties regarding
the accuracy and completeness of this document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
PL2303_DriverInstaller_1181_20170504.zip > Hardware Certification Report - 1152921504626450757.pdf
Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Program For Windows 10

Eeprom Writer Reader

Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Program For Mac
Hardware Certification Report 1152921504626450757
Hardware certification report Approved
Private product ID:
Shared product ID:
Submission ID:
Submission date:
Completion date:
Prolific Technology Inc.
Product name:
PL2303 USB to Serial Windows 7/8/10 Driver
Product type:
Other Device
Qualification level:
1511, x64
1511, x86
Certified for Microsoft Windows 10 Client family version 1703, x64
Certified for Microsoft Windows 10 Client family version 1703, x86
Logo - Device - Compatible with Windows 7 x64
Logo - Device - Compatible with Windows 7
Certified for Microsoft Windows 8 Client family, x64
Certified for Microsoft Windows 8 Client family, x86
Certified for Microsoft Windows 10 Client family version 1607, x64
Certified for Microsoft Windows 10 Client family version 1607, x86
Certified for Microsoft Windows 10 Client family versions 1506 and
Marketing name:
PL2303 USB to Serial Bridge Controller IC
Certified for Microsoft Windows 10 Client family versions 1506 and
Certified for Microsoft Windows 8.1 Client family, x64
Certified for Microsoft Windows 8.1 Client family, x86
Signature Only - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x86
Signature Only - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x64
Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Program For Pc
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > Download Link prolific serial usb driver = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Popular Downloads: Windows: PL2303 Windows Driver Download; Windows: PL2303 EEPROM Writer Program (HXD/EA/TA); Windows: PL2303RA OTPROM Writer Kit (for PL2303RA only). Mac OS: PL2303 Mac OS X Driver Download. Android: PL2303 Android Driver SDK Solution. Home / Drivers / Prolific Drivers. Windows: No driver installation is necessary for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, or 7 computers that are connected to the internet. The operating system will download the correct drivers automatically when the Plugable USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial Adapter is plugged in. For all Windows XP and Vista. This package supports the following driver models:Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port. Purpose of this article is to guide you on how to FIX the 'Prolific USB-to-Serial' driver issue with common cheap units. In summary, this article is for: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Works on 32/64-bit. And it addresses issue of: Prolific PL-2303 Driver Fix. Prolific PL-2303 Driver Setup Installer for Windows 7 and 8 (32bit and 64bit) - ThinkCentre M72e, M92p, M92. Your Prolific USB-to-serial Comm port device cannot start in Windows 10, 8.1, 8 or 7? No worries. In most cases, the issuse is triggered by the incorrect Prolific USB to serial driver. Downloading the suitable Prolific USB to serial driver could solver it. In addition, Prolific USB to serial driver update could also be a method to. USB Serial Adapter Drivers Page. For windows usb serial adapter cables using prolific chip also mac and linux drivers for usb serail cables as well as x86 64-bit drivers for prolific chip serial cables usb serial driver. Download PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.9.0.zip. Windows Driver Installer Setup Program (For PL2303. 53 sec - Uploaded by Khoa VũDriver download : 1 : from windows update (system) 2: download from : http:// www.prolific.com. On the next windows, choose the second option 'Look for a driver on my computer'. Another windows appear, and select the bottom option: 'choose from a list on my computer'. You should now have a list showing all versions of the driver available. By example: - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port Version:. Download the latest drivers for your Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3) to keep your Computer up-to-date. Prolific Full-Speed USB to Serial bridge controller PL-2303HX(Chip Rev A) and PL-2303X (Chip Rev A) will be phased out (EOL) at the end of October, 2012. Both will be replaced by the new PL2303TA which is pin-to-pin compatible with PL-2303HXA and PL-2303XA PCB. Please refer to the PL2303TA PCN, Datasheet,. Connect the USB to Serial adapter to the USB port of your Windows 8 PC/Laptop. Go to Device Manager and see under Ports (CoM & LPT) section, a device named 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port' must be present there. If the driver is installed properly, you will be able to use the adapter otherwise a warning icon will be. 3) If the device is properly installed, 'Serialio.com USB Serial Port' or 'Prolific USB-to-Serial COM Port' will be displayed. The software driver is properly installed, but the USB-RS232 adaptor does not work as expected. One of the common reasons that software may not work as expected with a USB-Serial adaptor when the. USB to Serial Converter - , Connects One Serial Device to a USB Port, Prolific PL-2303RA Chip, 45 cm (18 in.) Simply install drivers, then go to Device Manager -> Right click on Prolific-to-Serial Comm Port and select Update Driver Software…. In Update Driver Software window chose: Browse my computer for driver software -> Let mi pick from list of devices on my computer, Select Prolific USB-to_Serial Comm Port. Drivers are available which allow FTDI devices to work with the following operating systems: *FTDI Windows 8 USB Serial Driver : Windows 8 x64 : Windows Server 2008 R2 : Windows 7 FTDI USB Serial Adapter Driver : Windows 7 x64 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 x64 Windows Vista Windows Vista x64. 1 files 478 downloads. Firmware Update, WIRELESS-N BROADBAND ROUTER 300 MBPS / FIRMWARE UPDATE / R3464.0.20150121, Firmware Update, Download. Windows | Code 10 Error Fix – Prolific USB To Serial Driver Fix [CB-DB9P, CB-RS232, SBT-USC1M, SBT-USC1K, SBT-USC6K, SBT-USC6M] 1 files 3210. There are a number of products on the market in the USB to serial range of products. Prolific is the largest market holder currently. The issues which arrive with the Prolific Comm port Driver is that it tends to install like the old software modems. You first need to uninstall the current driver, then install the USB. Chipsets: Due to Prolific USB/Serial chip 'clones' found in generic USB programming cables, an older driver is required in lieu of the one supplied by Windows. Note: Cables with FTDI chipsets are compatible with all Windows drivers. - New Prolific Drivers may give a FALSE Positive: (6-2015) Windows will now load the. Do not install or use any software from Prolific website until you have read and accepted all of the license terms. Download. PL2303 USB to Serial Controller Family Product Selection Guide (2012), Download. PL2303 Android Solution PL2303 Android Solution Brochure, Download. PL2303 USB-to-Serial Controller Android. Chipsets: Due to Prolific USB/Serial chip 'clones' found in generic USB programming cables, an older driver is required in lieu of the one supplied by Windows. Note: Cables with FTDI (link is external) chipsets are compatible with all Windows drivers. - New Prolific Drivers may give a FALSE Positive: (6-2015) Windows will. USB to serial drivers for most serial RS232 devices. Download drivers for most types of USB to serial adapters and converters. USBVID_067B&PID_2303 device driver for Windows 7, XP, 10, 8, and 8.1. Got back to the device manager and right click the Prolific USB to Serial comm port, and click 'Update Driver Software'. In the resulting dialog, click 'Browse my computer for driver software': Select 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer': Select the Prolific driver version 3.3.2 from 2008:. This driver is for the SBT-USC6K USB to Serial cable (CSI Part# 17394 - Silver Cable). Support is for Windows XP/Vista/7. This driver is not compatible.. System Requirement: . USB 1.1/2.0/3.0 Host Controller . Device using PL2303HXA/XA/HXD/EA/RA/SA/TA/TB version chips . Supports the following W.. My Serial Controller with the USB to SERIAL converter is jumpy. Solution. UPDATE: This issue is caused by the USB to Serial Comm Port Driver. As of March 2017, after ongoing communication with the engineers at Prolific, the issue may be remedied with Driver VER- and higher. Here's a link for download':. Installation Notes for Prolific PL-2303 USB Driver for. USB - RS232 Adaptor Cable. 1. Uninstall Existing USB-Serial Adaptor Drivers. Uninstall any existing USB-RS232 drivers before installing the PL2303 driver. Plug your adaptor cable into the appropriate. USB port. Navigate to your Device Manager, and open the Ports list:. PL-2303 USB to Serial Adapter Installation Manual. Page 4. 4. When prompted for the driver location of the device, click Browse and refer to the USB to Serial driver disk or folder drive. Click Next to continue. 5. Windows should detect the driver as Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port. Before. Windows installs this, it may prompt. Prolific USB-Serial Driver. First and second generation Flytec varios with integrated GPS (Series 5000 and 6000, Bräuniger IQ Competino / IQ Compeo as well as IQ Basic GPS / IQ Competino+ / IQ Compeo+) use a so-called USB-to-serial interface for their communication with a computer. This requires the installation of a. Tutorial: conexión de un cable USB-Serial a la computadora PC. Drivers Windows 8, 7. If you are looking for the way to download Prolific Usb to Serial Driver. Luckily, here is the right place you find. Just click to follow the easy way! After I had installed the Prolific Vista USB to serial driver software (PL2303_VistaDriver_Setup.exe) on my Vista Home Premium VM (installed with VMware Fusion on an iMac), I could successfully use it to read GPS track data from my Garmin Etrex H device. But after a suspend/resume or restart of my Vista. Hey all, upgraded from win 7 to win 10 and love it, but, my usb to serial adapter driver will not start the port, code 10. please help if you can. Prolific (PL2303) adapter is an common solution about USB to Serial port adapters. Even so the company gives their chips only to branded companies. And the latest Prolific driver, it does one identity recognition at the hardware too. If the Prolific chip in your adapter is a fake copy, the driver does not work. PL2303 Prolific USB to TTL Driver for Windows 8.1. After plugging in the USB to TTL (3.3V) to the PC with Windows 8.1 in order to connect to the Raspberry Pi according to the lesson in Adafruit Window 8.1 does not seem to. Right click device name Prolifc USB-to-Serial Comm Port and select Property 5. I have had the same USB to serial adapter working on Windows XP for quite awhile. After I recently purchased a new laptop running Windows 7 64-Bit I needed to reinstall my USB to Serial Converter. I had a couple issues the first being the fact that the Dell Studio XPS laptop has a slot load CD/DVD drive. I have another Prolific USB device that I use with that computer and apparently the same driver is used for this device. The USB to RS-232 Serial Adapter was assigned to COM PORT 10 and the old RT-Systems software that I use with my FT-897D and FT-8900 requires a COM PORT between 1 and 9. Under device. Add an RS232 serial port to your laptop or desktop computer through USB. Prolific USB To Serial Driver 'Code 10' Fix! New Version 1.8, 08/05/17. Windows 32 and 64-bit Operating Systems - Prolific PL-2303 Driver Fix (VID_067B&PID_2303). For Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10! 'This Device cannot start (Code 10)'. 'No driver installed for this. J'ai bien compris qu'il fallait installer d'abord le driver, lecteur unpluggé, puis ensuite le plugger. Ca ok. Ensuite quand je plug, parfois il est considéré comme : - Matériel inconnu,.(et oui carrément !) - USB-Serial controler D (avec une icone Point d'interrogation bleu = Aucun pilote pour ce péri) - Prolific. USB to Serial Adapter. Drivers. Drivers for the USB to Serial adapters can be downloaded from the Prolific U.S.A.. Login. My tickets. Most Popular Articles. Drivers · Powered by. Download File: PL2303ProlificDriverInstallerv1.10.0.zip. Windows Driver Installer Setup Program (For PL2303 HXA, XA, HXD, EA, RA, SA, TA, TB versions)This package supports the following driver models:Prolific USB-to-Serial The Download.com with Windows 7 automatically detecting it as a Prolific-to-Serial USB-RS232. Connect a RS-232 serial device such as a modem to a USB port on your computer; Easy installation with Universal Plug and Play (UPnP); Supports multiple operating systems. DOWNLOADS; SPECIFICATIONS; CONTACT SUPPORT. Drivers. Description; Date; File Size; Download. Drivers (Mac). Filename:. This adapter requires special drivers that are automatically installed during a default setup. The first time. While in Windows XP and Windows Vista by default the locally existing driver files are used, Windows. 7 searches. Within the section 'Ports (COM and LPT)' there should be an entry like 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm. Product Drivers. Currently Win Long USA, LLC only sells the GXMU-1200, a USB to Serial converter, that requires a driver to be downloaded before being installed. All other products use a class driver that is supplied with the operating system. Note: Please make sure the serial end is not connected to anything while. UIASER01. (click image to enlarge). Easily add RS232 serial ports to your computer; USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 compatible; Uses Prolific PL-2303 chipset; Includes driver CD. Scroll to Buy See Also: Other USB Peripherals. As suggested in the post, we have tried with no avail to get a USB to Serial adapter to work since Windows 10 1703 update. We bought the FTDI adapter as suggested, updated the driver for the prolific as suggested, tried to switch to Microsoft USB to Serial, only to blue screen the machine. We put a serial. Support the conversion of USB to RS232. Link PC to serial devices. With USB specification v.1.1. Transmission rate up to 250kbps. Bus powered, no external power supply needed. Download; Packages. Download Drivers: Support most of the operation systems. Please contact us if you have any problem regarding the. Follow steps 1 and 2 in 'How to Check the Driver Installation.' Right click on the 'Prolific USB to Serial Port' and click on Properties Click on the 'Port Settings' tab. Click the 'Advanced' button. Pull down the scrollbar on the bottom, left side and select COM 1, 2, 3 or 4 (NOTE: Choose one that does not say 'in use' next to it). 2) Download the following Prolific driver file and save to the work folder. http://www.ztechnology.com/download/Vista-Prolific-USB-2-Serial-Driver-3-2-0-0.exe. 3) Remove the USB programming cable from your PC. 4) Double-click the file that was saved into the work folder and follow the prompts until it is completely. USB driver for Windows 98/2000/XP. USB driver for Windows 98/2000/XP. File Size: 1.60 MB. Date: 07 January 2014. USB driver for Windows 98/2000/XP. Click on the link below to install the Prolific USB-to-Serial cable driver on your Windows 98/2000 or XP computer: Windows will download and install drivers via Windows Update automatically when the USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial Adapter is plugged in. If you need to manually download the drivers for Windows systems, please use the following link: PL2303 Prolific Windows Driver Installer v1.16.0 for Windows. Installer version & Build. PL-2303 USB to Serial Bridge (H, HX, X) Installshield Driver Setup Program v2.0.0.19 for Win98SE/ME v2.0.2.1 for Win2K/XP/2003 (XP Logo Certified) For Prolific USB VID_067B&PID_2303 Only (for Mobile Phone, GPS, Modem, IrDA USB Serial Cable) Windows XP/ME/2000/2003/98 Drivers for USB to Serial Adaptr cable. It occurred to me that serial devices are most commonly accessed in RISC OS via blockdrivers, and that it might be possible to have one USB serial blockdriver that would interface to any USB serial device driver module if we could standardise the module API. To make it easy to understand, it seems to me. USB to Serial Adapter (RS232) -Windows 7. Straight A Male to DB9 Male. Part Number: RR-USB-017 (xx = inches). Click to view large image. Request Technical. Mac Drivers (Latest Drivers) Prolific drivers site · 2009 Version · Vista Drivers · Windows Drivers 2007 version. Windows Drivers 2003 version. Mac Drivers Prolific USB Free Driver Download | Free Download Prolific Technology Inc USB drivers. World's most popular driver download site. USB to Serial converter HL-340: download 32 and 64 bit windows drivers (PID/VID 4348:5523). Due to some reasons I had to run Windows XP on Virtualbox. After connected my classic pretty blue usb/serial cable converter, I found out that, as usual, Windows couldn't recognize it. I wasted lot of time to find the appropriate. This is a FIX for Prolific USB to serial on Windows 32 and 64-bit Operating Systems – Prolific PL-2303 Driver Fix (VID_067B & PID_2303). I ended up writing this post when I connected the Prolific USB to serial device to my Windows 7 64-bit OS and installed the officially downloaded driver and found that it. PL2303 Prolific Driver V1.6.1 (Driver version:, release date: May-3rd-2012) download link: http://auelectronics.com/downloads/PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.6.1.zip. Prolific chip based USB to serial converter is the most popular device which can add serial ports to laptops and desktops. Amazon.com: StarTech.com USB to Serial Adapter – Prolific PL-2303 – COM Port Retention – USB to RS232 Adapter Cable – USB Serial: Electronics. What's in the Box. 1 - USB to Serial Adapter. 1 - Driver CD. 1 - Instruction Manual. Features. USB to Straight-Through RS232 Serial Adapter; Supports data transfer rates of. Note on Windows 8-10: Windows 8-10 is NOT supported for older versions of prolific chips. So if your USB to Serial converter worked in Windows 7 and doesn't work in Windows 8, it is probably because you have an older or no-name brand converter that does not have the latest version of chip in it. And new drivers wont. It supports data transfer rates of up to 230 thousand bps. No external power supply is required as USB converter takes its power from the USB bus. USB to Serial Adaptor RoHS Compliant. Works with Windows VISTA! Virtual COM port (VCP) drivers cause the USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the. We took our old USB-to-Serial adapter and plugged it in our ultrabook running Windows 8.1. As expected, the operating system listed the hardware under Device Manager with an exclamation mark: profilic-pl2303-driver-installation-windows8-1 Figure 1. Prolific Adapter in Device Manager. A closer look at. FTDI USB Serial Port Driver. USB Serial Port Driver (FTDI). Fixes & Enhancements. Initial release. Version. Version 2.10.6, A00. Category. Modem/Communications. Release date. 02 Jul 2014. Last Updated. 17 Feb 2015. Importance. Urgent. Available formats. File Format:Update Package for Microsoft® Windows®. Here is Bafo's response and attached to this reply is the proper driver. Hope this all comes through o.k. If not feel free to contact me by e-mail and I will forward it all to you. Bob Mc. Dear Robert,. USB to Serial adapter - Windows 2000 & XP. Manually Removing incorrect drivers. Note: enable to see all the hidden files and. When the computer crashes usually the culprit is the device driver, not the application. I suggest to try with another USB-serial adapter. Most adapters feature either a FTDI chip or a Prolific chip. Personally I had more problems with Prolific than FTDI. However the performance could also depend not only on. Download Prolific PL-2303X USB-to-Serial USB drivers at DriverAgent.com. USB Serial Adapter drivers. The USB Serial Adapter requires drivers to be installed prior to connecting the cable to the PC for the first time. Download the driver installer for your version of Windows and run it. When done, connect the USB Serial Adapter to the PC. Row-Ware sells USB Serial Adapters based on the Prolific. The adapter you are referring to is not compatible with Windows 8, and even updating the drivers will not make it work either since it most likely has the old version of of the Prolific chipset. A solution would be using a FTDI based usb to serial converter which has better drivers and is compatible with. There have been more cases of old VEX programming cables apparently failing to work. The cause of many of these failures are updated prolific drivers detecting that the cables use an unauthorized version of the PL2303 serial to USB chip. About a year ago I posted information indicating which drivers. Like many I have imported from China, USB to Serial devices with IC's made by Prolific. Mine are PL2303HX based. And they do not work anymore! Yellow mark in Device Manager, device cannot start. Reason: Prolific made an update to their Windows drivers to fight the fake IC's coming form China, like FTDI did (see my. Please be warned that counterfeit (fake) PL-2303HX (Chip Rev A) USB to Serial Controller ICs using Prolific's trademark logo, brandname, and device drivers, were being sold in the China market. Counterfeit IC products show exactly the same outside chip markings but generally are of poor quality and. USB to Serial Adapter (RS-232). The USB to Serial RS-232 Adapter provides one RS-232 Serial (DB-9 male) connector via one standard USB port at a data transfer rate of up to 230Kbps. You can instantly enjoy connectivity with modem, PDA, POS, or other serial devices on your PC or Mac without the hassle of opening. Controller, Prolific PL2303HXD (16C550 UART Compatible), Data bit, 5, 6, 7, 8. BUS, Universal Serial Bus (USB), Stop bit, 1, 1.5, 2. No. of Port, 1-port, Parity, even, odd, none, mark, space. IRQ & IO, Assigned by System, Flow Control, None, Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS. FIFO, 16 byte Hardware. Signal, TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR,. I have had endless issues with Windows deciding that its own driver is better than the Prolific USB/Serial driver for my mount. In previous versions I.. We make people-inspired products and solutions. From wireless home networking and entertainment, to mobile accessories, energy management, and an extensive range of cables. This FAQ concerns problems experienced with USB GPS and USB to Serial Converters that use the PROLIFIC Driver. The Symptoms are SOB apparently freezing, or slowing down so much that it appears to have frozen Windows. Unplugging the USB device generally unfreezes SOB & Windows, then replugging the USB. Products http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=225&pcid=41[9/23/2014 10:46:39 AM]. Language English. Account. Password. Search. Smart I/O > USB to Serial/Parallel > PL2303 Windows Driver Download. PL2303 Windows Driver Download. Download File:. It seems like many brands of these converters use a chip by a company called Prolific. Prolific makes the chip that lives in the converter that does the translation from serial to USB and back. I found the drivers from prolific and the device loaded just fine on Windows 7. I then created a Windows XP image in. This page contains the driver installation download for Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM1) in supported models (VAIO VPCEJ1L1E) that are running a supported operating system. [87181.164389] usb 3-3: Manufacturer: Prolific Technology Inc. [87182.458694] usbcore: registered new interface driver pl2303 [87182.458730] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for pl2303 [87182.458755] pl2303 3-3:1.0: pl2303 converter detected [87182.459404] usb 3-3: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0 S:ManualsUSB AdapterUsing the Sabrent USB to Serial Adapter Rev 2. Page 1of 4. Using the Sabrent. Be sure the cable is NOT connected before driver installation. 2. Unzip the file using the. Change the COM port to match the port number assigned to the Prolific USB adapter. Then Save Changes. Plug the adapter's USB cable into your computer. You will then be prompted with the Found New Hardware wizard. At the first screen, select No not this time, and click Next. At the next screen, choose Install from a list or specific location. Insert the CD provided with the adapter. In the Found New Hardware wizard, browse to. I connect my etrex H to my PC using a USB to serial cable. This works ok on Windows XP (the prolific driver is version I have now upgraded the same PC to Windows-8 and it no longer works - device manager reports 'This device cannot start. (Code 10)'. The installed driver version is (I. This download is not a set of driver files, but an installer program that installs the driver automatically. Please be sure to follow this sequence:- 1. Disconnect the USB to Serial Converter. 2. Download and run this installer. 3. Restart Windows if requested. 4. Connect the USB to Serial Converter. This driver is for the older type. Some companies put a lock on Windows, which prevents new USB devices to be installed. contact your computer people and have them install the USB software driver. in Windows Start => Computer Management => Device Manager, => Ports (COM & LPT), you should see Prolific USB-Serial Comm Port (COMxx). If you do. Downldoad free driver updates for Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port also known as: FutureDial USB Diagnostic Serial Port Drivers for Windows XP 32 bit (Vid_067b&Pid_2303) - Page 1. Original answer from capcom: I found a very simple solution which I did not find listed anywhere, which is why I am outlining it here to help anyone else who may run into a similar problem in the future. I am running a Win7 64 bit machine. Open Device Manager; Navigate to your device (it should have a. Solution of Prolific PL2302 (USB to Serial TTL) Driver Problem with Windows 10. Hello again! My friends and I wanted some USB to TTL converters. We were searching for available converters in local electronics shops but we didn't find any of the available FTDI based converters and there was an.