- Hollow Knight White Armor
- Hollow Knight White Defender Locations
- Hollow Knight White Defender Location Map
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Below are the locations of each Mask Shard in Hollow Knight, along with the area each is located in, how to obtain it, and what currency, skills, Spells, or events are required before it can be. Hollow Knight has many Collectibles. They will fire beams of white-hot energy from their nail. (Equip Defender's Crest to repair for 160 Geo) 2 Notches Fungal Wastes (Leg Eater.
Grey Prince Zote
Grey Prince Zote can be found in Bretta’s basement back at Dirtmouth as long as you’ve rescued both Bretta and Zote and defeated Zote in the Colosseum of Fools. He can be fough up to 10 times but only gives 300 Essence the first time you defeat him.
Grey Prince Zote doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing and is constantly falling over. He’s still difficult to defeat as each time he falls over he’ll create a shockwave and he also likes to teleport around the arena before slamming into the ground.
Zote has 1200 health for the first battle. You’ll need to learn which moves create shockwaves so you can time your jumps over them. You can often get in a swipe or two after each shockwave. The Quick Slash and Fragile Strength charms work will for this fight. The Fragile charms won’t break if you lose a dream boss fight.
Failed Champion
The Failed Champion can be found above the arena where you fought the False Knight. After jumping up break the wall to the right and use the Dream Nail on the dead maggot. You can use the Dream Nail on the other Maggots to replenish your soul before entering the fight.
The Failed Champion is a buffed version of the False Knight. Each of his attacks will cause rocks to fall down from the roof but most of his attacks are very similar. When he jumps towards you this gives you a chance to dash underneath. You’ll be able to get in a few strikes before he turns around.
Standing in one of the corners may give you a chance to heal, especially if you have the Quick Focus charm equipped. The Failed Champion will get knocked over a few times, giving you a chance to heal or hit his head for more soul. Eventually he’ll be defeated and go crashing through the floor. Once he’s defeated you’ll receive 300 Essence.
Lost Kin
The Lost Kin can be found in the same place as the Broken Vessel in the Ancient Basin. He has 1200 health and slightly more difficult attacks. During the fight blobs of infection will spawn and chase after you.
The strategy for defeating the Lost Kin is basically the same as the Broken Vessel. stay on the ground because the Lost Kin likes to jump. Use Quick Slash to get in many hits at a time and Desolate Dive to really do some damage quickly. Killing the blobs that spawn give you soul so you should have no problem using spells during this fight.
A few times throughout the fight the Lost Kin will get knocked over for a short while, giving you a chance to heal, but you’ll still need to keep an eye on any infected blobs heading your way. Once the Lost Kin has been defeated you’ll be rewarded with 400 Essence.
White Defender
The White Defender has a lot of health, 1600 HP to be exact. He can be found by using the Desolate Dive just under the room to the right of the Dung Defender, where the lever is located.
The White Defender has many of the same attacks as the Dung Defender but he’s fairly easy to predict and most of the attacks can be avoided. Use Quick Slash to hit him repeatedly while he tosses the dung. Follow him around and get in swipes as he performs the dung eruption. If you’re close to him the dung won’t hit you.
Once the White Defender has been defeated you’ll be rewarded with 300 Essence.
Soul Tyrant
The Soul Tyrant can be found in the same location as the Soul Master. Use the Dream Nail on the corpse to initiate the fight. The Soul Tyrant has 900 health in the first phase and 350 health in the second.
The Soul Tyrant’s attacks are the same as the Soul Master except he’s a little bit quicker and has more fireballs during his spinning fireball attack. Having the Monarch Wings will make it easier to avoid the shockwave from the ground pound attack.
The Soul Tyrant will teleport around the arena making him difficult to catch up to. You may only get in one or two attacks at a time so the Quicky Slash charm is not very effective for this battle.
During phase 2 the Soul Tyrant will smash through the floor and land in the arena below. He performs teleporting slams repeatedly until he eventually floats stationary on one side of the room. This is your chance to kill him. Avoid the fireballs and hit him with the Abyss Shriek or the Nail. Once he’s defeated you’ll be rewarded with 300 Essence.
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Dung Defender is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Dung Defender is a Dung Beetle that has been exiled and was one of the Five Great Knights of Hallownest.
Dung Defender Information
Dung Defender or better known as Ogrim, who used to be one of the most loyal warrior of the Five Great Knights of Hallownest is first encountered as a boss at the Royal Waterways, he mistakes The Knight to be an enemy and initiates a battle. After defeating him, he will apologize and mentions The Knight's worthy and is capable of saving Hallownest. If players successfully defeat all three Dreamers, he will move to his cave where you will find him sleeping - this will give players the change to use the Dream Nail to enter in his dream and challenge the White Defender. Right after fighting the White Defender five times, he will wake up and mentions how he can picture The Knight to be worthy to be with the greatest heroes. After leaving the area and returning, the Dung Defender will no longer be found and leaves a dung figure crafted into the Knight's likeness
- Location: Dung Defender Can be found at the Royal Waterways.
- Progression: Dung Defender moves to his cave in Royal Waterways after defeating the three Dreamers.
- Combat: Players may not kill the Dung Defender.
- Rewards: Defeating him rewards you with the following:
- Access to the switch unlocking Isma's Grove.
- and unlocks the Honour Trophy/Achievement.
Associated Quests
Hollow Knight White Armor
- N/A
Oh, it's you again. I'm glad to see you return.
No, no, please... Don't say a word. I must apologise for my previous behaviour.
Entirely my fault. I mistook you for one of those mindless skulking husks, yet you bested me in the most majestic knightly fashion.
Such joyful, vigorous combat. I'd almost forgotten the feeling.
Hollow Knight White Defender Locations
I was once a Knight you see. By the grace of our good King, I stood proudly before the throne, watching Hallownest swell to greatness.
Then that nasty business with the affliction...
We knights defend against the physical, but a formless enemy. How to defeat such a foe?
Hollow Knight White Defender Location Map

Our King tried in his own way. A cruel means it was... And still, eventually, we were brought low.
Bah! I shouldn't be so morose. You've invigorated me. 'Tis truly a delight to meet one whose strength can match my own.
Notes & Tips
- At the ground below the switch that unlocks Isma's Grove at the east side of his arena, there is a fragile ground that can be destroyed by using Desolate Dive or Descending Dark. Doing so, you can find a hidden cave with Dung statues of the Five Great Knights along with The Pale King and a King's Idol.
NPCs |
Bardoon ♦ Bretta ♦ Brumm ♦ Charm Lover Salubra ♦ Cloth ♦ Confessor Jiji ♦ Cornifer ♦ Distant Villagers ♦ Divine ♦ Dreamers ♦ Elderbug ♦ Eternal Emilitia ♦ Fluke Hermit ♦ Godseeker ♦ Grey Mourner ♦ Grimmsteed ♦ Grubfather ♦ Herrah the Beast ♦ Hornet ♦ Iselda ♦ Leg Eater ♦ Little Fool ♦ Lurien the Watcher ♦ Mask Maker ♦ Midwife ♦ Millibelle the Banker ♦ Mister Mushroom ♦ Monomon the Teacher ♦ Moss Prophet ♦ Moth ♦ Myla ♦ Nailmaster Mato ♦ Nailmaster Oro ♦ Nailmaster Sheo ♦ Nailsmith ♦ Nymm ♦ Quirrel ♦ Relic Seeker Lemm ♦ Seer ♦ Sly ♦ Snail Shaman ♦ Steel Soul Jinn ♦ The Hunter ♦ The Last Stag ♦ The Nightmare's Heart ♦ The Pale King ♦ The White Lady ♦ Tiso ♦ Troupe Master Grimm ♦ Tuk ♦ Unn ♦ Willoh ♦ Zote the Mighty |