Dark Souls is a third-person action role-playing game. A core mechanic of the game is exploration. Players are encouraged by the game to proceed with caution, learn from past mistakes, or find alternative areas to explore. Dark Souls takes place in a large and continuous open world environment, connected. Certainly nothing from Dark Souls 2.A terrible rubbery quality pervades many of them. I also found most of the designs there to be somehow ill fitting for the characters.Like,they don't actually scale well at all on the body of your character no matter the size.
Dark Souls 3 is a wonderful addition to the long-running franchise. Much like other aspects of the game, the armor you’ll collect for protection has gone through a few changes. Most notably, armor isn’t upgradable this time around, and features set stats more akin to Bloodborne ware. It’s a nice change that gives players more resources so they can focus on their weaponry. But more importantly, it gives players a better opportunity to find a suit of armor that makes them look like a badass with their weapon of choice.
The armor sets in Dark Souls 3 are extremely varied in detail and orientation, ranging from the plated armor of the Lothric Knights all the way down to the leather garb of everyone’s favorite assassin Leonhard. Each set features a slightly different set of resistances – but let’s be honest with ourselves here, its all about the look.
Here’s some of our favorite armor sets from Dark Souls 3 and where you can find them in the game.
Undead Legion Set
Featuring a large pointed helm atop a mix of chainmail, plate and leather, this armor set once belonged to one of the Abyss Watchers from Farron’s Undead Legion. These undead warriors took on the duty of guarding against the darkness of the Abyss and would destroy entire kingdoms if they even showed the slightest sign of exposure.
In order to obtain this set, you’ll have to progress to the Abyss Watchers boss encounter within the game and defeat them. After defeating the boss encounter you can head back to the Shrine Handmaid and purchase the entire set for 31,000 souls.
Leonhard’s Set
Easily one of our favorite characters from Dark Souls 3, Leonhard sports an armor set that gives off a vibe similar to something you might find in From Software’s Bloodborne. Featuring a distinctive silver mask to cover the burns on his face, Leonhard’s attire was designed to hide his entire body after he suffered grave burns as a young adult.
Leonhard’s set is one of the more difficult to obtain if you wish to complete his questline (which we recommend doing), although you can immediately kill him for it when you see him appear at Firelink Shrine early on in the game. Upon death (via the questline or by your hand), he will drop his mask and you can purchase the rest of his set from the Shrine Handmaid for 10,500 souls.
Wolf Knight Set
Worn by the legendary Artorias the Abysswalker, the Wolf Knight Set is one of the biggest lore-heavy armor sets within the game. One of the four knights of Lord Gwyn, Artorias was sent to hold back the inevitable spread of the abyss as it worked to consume the world Lord Gwyn was trying to save. While fighting the Abyss Artorias was corrupted himself, tainting his armor with the very dark of the Abyss.
In order to obtain the Wolf Knight Set, you’ll have to progress through the game until you reach the [Consumed King’s Garden](http://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Consumed+King’s+Garden. Complete the area and defeat Oceiros, the Consumed King to gain access to the passageway behind Oceiros. Follow this passageway until you see a dead end with a chest. Behind the chest is an illusionary wall that you can hit with your sword to get through, leading to a secret area called the Unintended Graves that models the very beginning of the game. Complete this entire area to reach a familiar shrine, where you can purchase the entire set from the Shrine Handmaid for 46,000 souls. In order for the set to show up however, you must have killed the Abyss Watchers.
Alva’s Armor Set
Worn by Alva the Wayfarer from Dark Souls 2, Alva’s armor set is a mix of plate and leather that was trimmed heavily to reduce weight. Alva was a knight who searched many lands for the cure for Saint Serreta’s sickness. After learning of his dedication to the saint, Zullie the Witch used tricks and deceit to try and ruin Alva during his task, but ultimately ended up standing by his side through his journey. Alva ended up failing his mission and relinquished his knighthood upon doing so, roaming the lands in search of a new cause.
Does Armour Matter In Dark Souls
In order to obtain Alva’s set, you’ll have to travel to the Distant Manor bonfire in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. From there take an immediate right and descend towards the Irithyll Dungeon until you reach a stone bridge – if embered, Alva should invade you here. Kill him and move forward into the dungeon. After progressing through the area, you should encounter a large open room filled with prison cells – in this room (provided you killed Alva as an invader), you should find his entire armor set laying off to the side. Make sure to clear the room or go for a quick dash in to pick it up because the enemies in this area will swarm you quickly.
Armor of the Sun
The trademark ‘sunbro’ armor set is back once again in Dark Souls 3, bearing the painted sun emblem across the torso. Worn by Solaire of Astora, an extremely skilled warrior who became Undead so he could pursue his quest to find the sun, this armor set is a legend among the Dark Souls community that is fairly easy to obtain in the latest installment of the franchise.
In order to collect the entire set, you’ll have to purchase the tower key from the Shrine Handmaid for 20,000 souls. Once you’ve obtained the key, ascend the tower behind Firelink Shrine and drop down to the roof. In the middle of the roof you’ll find Pickle Pee, a crow seeking rare items in exchange for pieces from his own collection – drop these items to receive the Armor of the Sun from him:
Drop a Siegbräu to get the Armor of the Sun.
Drop a Homeward Bone to get the Iron Bracelets.
Drop a Seed of a Giant Tree to get the Iron Leggings.
Does Armor Matter In Dark Souls
Drop a Lightning Urn to get the Iron Helm.
Best Dark Souls Armor
Drop a Medicant’s Staff to get the Sunlight Shield.