Sublime Chord Handbook

All Maneuvers by Level

Select, develop, and use standard notation and audio/video recording to document melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for drafts of melodies (created over specified chord progressions or AB/ABA forms) and two-to-three-chord accompaniments for given melodies. “The Professional Yoga Teachers Handbook is an excellent guide to teaching yoga successfully without having to make many common mistakes. It includes sage advice on offering the best quality instruction in today’s climate, while setting up healthy boundaries to enjoy the rest of your life.” —Michael Johnson, founder, Clearlight Yoga.

Maneuvers of level 1

Desert Wind

  • Blistering Flourish ()
  • Burning Blade ()
  • Distracting Ember ()
  • Flame's Blessing ()
  • Wind Stride ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Crusader's Strike ()
  • Iron Guard's Glare ()
  • Martial Spirit ()
  • Vanguard Strike ()

Diamond Mind

  • Moment of Perfect Mind ()
  • Sapphire Nightmare Blade ()
  • Stance of Clarity ()

Iron Heart

  • Punishing Stance ()
  • Steel Wind ()
  • Steely Strike ()

Setting Sun

  • Counter Charge ()
  • Mighty Throw ()
  • Step of the Wind ()

Shadow Hand

  • Child of Shadow ()
  • Clinging Shadow Strike ()
  • Island of Blades ()
  • Shadow Blade Technique ()

Stone Dragon

  • Charging Minotaur ()
  • Stone Bones ()
  • Stonefoot Stance ()

Tiger Claw

  • Blood in the Water ()
  • Hunter's Sense ()
  • Sudden Leap ()
  • Wolf Fang Strike ()

White Raven

  • Bolstering Voice ()
  • Douse the Flames ()
  • Leading the Attack ()
  • Leading the Charge ()

Maneuvers of level 2

Desert Wind

  • Burning Brand ()
  • Fire Riposte ()
  • Flashing Sun ()
  • Hatchling's Flame ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Foehammer ()
  • Shield Block ()

Diamond Mind

  • Action Before Thought ()
  • Emerald Razor ()

Iron Heart

  • Disarming Strike ()
  • Wall of Blades ()

Setting Sun

  • Baffling Defense ()
  • Clever Positioning ()

Shadow Hand

  • Cloak of Deception ()
  • Drain Vitality ()
  • Shadow Jaunt ()

Stone Dragon

  • Mountain Hammer ()
  • Stone Vise ()

Tiger Claw

  • Claw at the Moon ()
  • Rapid Wolf Strike ()

White Raven

  • Battle Leader's Charge ()
  • Tactical Strike ()

Maneuvers of level 3

Desert Wind

  • Death Mark ()
  • Fan the Flames ()
  • Holocaust Cloak ()
  • Zephyr Dance ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Defensive Rebuke ()
  • Revitalizing Strike ()
  • Thicket of Blades ()

Diamond Mind

  • Insightful Strike ()
  • Mind over Body ()
  • Pearl of Black Doubt ()

Iron Heart

  • Absolute Steel ()
  • Exorcism of Steel ()
  • Iron Heart Surge ()

Setting Sun

  • Devastating Throw ()
  • Feigned Opening ()
  • Giant Killing Style ()

Shadow Hand

  • Assassin's Stance ()
  • Dance of the Spider ()
  • Shadow Garrotte ()
  • Strength Draining Strike ()

Stone Dragon

  • Bonecrusher ()
  • Crushing Weight of the Mountain ()
  • Roots of the Mountain ()
  • Stone Dragon's Fury ()

Tiger Claw

  • Flesh Ripper ()
  • Leaping Dragon Stance ()
  • Soaring Raptor Strike ()
  • Wolverine Stance ()

White Raven

  • Lion's Roar ()
  • Tactics of the Wolf ()
  • White Raven Tactics ()

Maneuvers of level 4

Desert Wind

  • Firesnake ()
  • Searing Blade ()
  • Searing Charge ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Divine Surge ()
  • Entangling Blade ()

Diamond Mind

  • Bounding Assault ()
  • Mind Strike ()
  • Ruby Nightmare Blade ()

Iron Heart

  • Lightning Recovery ()
  • Mithral Tornado ()

Setting Sun

  • Comet Throw ()
  • Strike of the Broken Shield ()

Shadow Hand

  • Hand of Death ()
  • Obscuring Shadow Veil ()

Stone Dragon

  • Bonesplitting Strike ()
  • Boulder Roll ()
  • Overwhelming Mountain Strike ()

Tiger Claw

  • Death from Above ()
  • Fountain of Blood ()

White Raven

  • Covering Strike ()
  • White Raven Strike ()

Maneuvers of level 5

Desert Wind

  • Dragon's Flame ()
  • Leaping Flame ()
  • Lingering Inferno ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Daunting Strike ()
  • Doom Charge ()
  • Law Bearer ()
  • Radiant Charge ()
  • Tide of Chaos ()

Diamond Mind

  • Disrupting Blow ()
  • Hearing the Air ()
  • Rapid Counter ()

Iron Heart

  • Dancing Blade Form ()
  • Dazing Strike ()
  • Iron Heart Focus ()

Setting Sun

  • Mirrored Pursuit ()
  • Shifting Defense ()
  • Soaring Throw ()
  • Stalking Shadow ()

Shadow Hand

  • Bloodletting Strike ()
  • Shadow Stride ()
  • Step of the Dancing Moth ()

Stone Dragon

  • Elder Mountain Hammer ()
  • Giant's Stance ()
  • Mountain Avalanche ()

Tiger Claw

  • Dancing Mongoose ()
  • Pouncing Charge ()

White Raven

  • Flanking Maneuver ()
  • Press the Advantage ()

Maneuvers of level 6

Desert Wind

  • Desert Tempest ()
  • Fiery Assault ()
  • Ring of Fire ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Aura of Chaos ()
  • Aura of Perfect Order ()
  • Aura of Triumph ()
  • Aura of Tyranny ()
  • Rallying Strike ()

Diamond Mind

  • Insightful Strike, Greater ()
  • Moment of Alacrity ()

Iron Heart

Wrong Way Sublime Chords

  • Iron Heart Endurance ()
  • Manticore Parry ()

Setting Sun

  • Ballista Throw ()
  • Scorpion Parry ()

Shadow Hand

  • Ghost Blade ()
  • Shadow Noose ()
  • Stalker in the Night ()

Stone Dragon

  • Crushing Vise ()
  • Iron Bones ()
  • Irresistible Mountain Strike ()

Tiger Claw

  • Rapid Bear Strike ()
  • Wolf Climbs the Mountain ()

White Raven

  • Order Forged from Chaos ()
  • War Leader's Charge ()

Maneuvers of level 7

Desert Wind

  • Inferno Blade ()
  • Salamander Charge ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Castigating Strike ()
  • Shield Counter ()

Diamond Mind

  • Avalanche of Blades ()
  • Quicksilver Motion ()

Iron Heart

  • Finishing Move ()
  • Scything Blade ()

Setting Sun

  • Hydra Slaying Strike ()

Shadow Hand

  • Death in the Dark ()
  • Shadow Blink ()

Stone Dragon

  • Ancient Mountain Hammer ()
  • Colossus Strike ()

Tiger Claw

  • Hamstring Attack ()
  • Prey on the Weak ()
  • Swooping Dragon Strike ()

White Raven

  • Clarion Call ()
  • Swarming Assault ()

Maneuvers of level 8

Desert Wind

  • Rising Phoenix ()
  • Wyrm's Flame ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Divine Surge, Greater ()
  • Immortal Fortitude ()

Diamond Mind

  • Diamond Defense ()
  • Diamond Nightmare Blade ()
  • Stance of Alacrity ()

Iron Heart

  • Adamantine Hurricane ()
  • Lightning Throw ()
  • Supreme Blade Parry ()

Setting Sun

  • Fool's Strike ()
  • Ghostly Defense ()

Shadow Hand

  • Balance on the Sky ()
  • Enervating Shadow Strike ()
  • One with Shadow ()

Stone Dragon

  • Adamantine Bones ()
  • Earthstrike Quake ()
  • Strength of Stone ()

Tiger Claw

  • Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip ()
  • Raging Mongoose ()
  • Wolf Pack Tactics ()

White Raven

  • Swarm Tactics ()
  • White Raven Hammer ()

Maneuvers of level 9

Desert Wind

  • Inferno Blast ()

Devoted Spirit

  • Strike of Righteous Vitality ()

D&d 3.5 Sublime Chord Handbook

Diamond Mind

  • Time Stands Still ()

Iron Heart

  • Strike of Perfect Clarity ()

Setting Sun

  • Tornado Throw ()

Shadow Hand

  • Five-shadow Creeping Ice Enervation Strike ()

Stone Dragon

  • Mountain Tombstone Strike ()

Tiger Claw

  • Feral Death Blow ()

White Raven

  • War Master's Charge ()

'Music is the language in which the multiverse is written.'

Music is not just a pleasant sound; it is also the expression of mathematical relationships fraught with significance. A member of the sublime chord prestige class sees music, even the powerful music of a skilled bard, as nothing more than a stepping-stone to true universal insight into the legendary song of creation heard at the dawn of time. Music and magic are actually one and the same, and an astute student who unravels the riddles of meter and pitch simultaneously reveals hidden secrets of great power.

All sublime chords must have some foundation in the bard’s art, since bardic music is the first step in mastering the power of the First Song. However, music is only one tool for understanding the infinite; a sublime chord must also study mathematics and the precise movements of the stars and planets in which the music of the spheres is evident. In exchange for abandoning her continuing study of bardic music, a sublime chord instead masters a number of spells far more powerful than most bards can ever use.

Hit Die: d6



Sublime Chord 3.5

  • Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 10 ranks, Listen 10 ranks, Perform (Any) 10 ranks, Profession (Astrologer) 6 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks.
  • Spells: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.
  • Special: Bardic music ability.

Class Skills: Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Mod.
The sublime chord’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis ), Search (Int), Speak Language (n/ a), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis).

LevelBABFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecialSpells: 4thSpells: 5thSpells: 6thSpells: 7thSpells: 8thSpells: 9th
1st+0+0+0+2Bardic Lock, Bardic Lore, Bardic Music21
2nd+1+0+0+3Song of Arcane Power22
6th+3+2+2+5Song of Timelessness4332
10th+5+3+3+7Song of Cosmic Fire544332

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sublime chords gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. As with bard spells, the somatic components for a sublime chord’s spells do not incur an arcane spell failure chance as normal for arcane spells if the sublime chord is wearing light armor.

Sublime Chord Spells Known

Spells per Day:
A sublime chord has the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, all of 4th level or higher. To cast a sublime chord spell, a character must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell’s level, so if she has a Charisma of 13 or lower, she cannot cast any sublime chord spells. Bonus spells are based on Charisma, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + spell level + the sublime chord’s Cha modifier. A sublime chord can choose spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list or the bard spell list; if a spell appears on both lists at different levels, she
uses the bard version of the spell. A sublime chord’s caster level for both her sublime chord spells and the spells she gains from other arcane spellcasting classes is determined by adding her sublime chord level to her level in another arcane spellcasting class. If she had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a sublime chord, she must choose to which class to add her sublime chord levels for the purpose of determining her sublime chord spellcaster level. A sublime chord prepares and casts spells spontaneously. Including the ability to replace a known sublime chord spell with a new spell at every even-numbered class level beginning at 4th.

Bardic Lock:
Following the path of the Sublime Chord requires utter devotion, upon entering the class you may not exit from the class for the full ten levels until you've mastered the way of the Sublime Chord.

Bardic Knowledge:
A sublime chord continues to collect the odd bits of lore and knowledge that bards acquire. She can add her sublime chord class level to her bardic knowledge checks, so her bardic knowledge checks have a bonus equal to her bard level + her sublime chord level + her Int modifier.

Bardic Music:
A sublime chord expands her repertoire of bardic music to encompass new songs or poetics of strange and wondrous power. These effects function just as the bardic music effects described in the Player’s Handbook. Each use of a sublime chord song expends one daily use of the character’s bardic music ability. A sublime chord adds one-half her class level (rounded down) to her bard level to determine her number of daily uses of bardic music.

Song of Arcane Power (Su):
A sublime chord of 2nd level or higher with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill learns how to use her bardic music to assist her spellcasting. As a move action, she can prepare to cast a spell by giving voice to the song of power. The next spell she casts gains a bonus to its caster level based on the result of the sublime chord’s

Perform check
Perform Check ResultCaster Level Increase
9 or lower+0
10 to 19+1
20 to 29+2
30 or higher+4

The spell to be enhanced by the song of arcane power must be cast by the end of the sublime chord’s next turn, or else the song fades with no effect (other than consuming a bardic music use).

Song of Timelessness (Su):
A sublime chord of 6th level or higher with 16 or more ranks in a Perform skill knows the song of timelessness. As a standard action, she can envelop a single creature within 60 feet in a field of timelessness, provided she has line of effect to the target. The subject is entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + sublime chord level + Cha modifier) to negate the effect.

If the subject fails its save, it is frozen in a shimmering aura of timelessness and can take no actions. However, no force can affect it—weapons cannot reach it, spells that target it automatically fail, and if the ground it is standing on is somehow taken away, it would not even begin to fall. A sublime chord can keep her target frozen in time for as long as she maintains the power by continuing to perform, up to a maximum of 1 minute per level. When she stops performing, the subject immediately returns to normal. As far as the creature is concerned, no time seems
to have passed.

Song of Cosmic Fire (Su):
A 10th-level sublime chord with 20 or more ranks in a Perform skill learns the song of cosmic fire. Using this ability costs a sublime chord two of her daily uses of bardic music. The song of cosmic fire creates a 20-foot-radius spread of fire anywhere within 100 feet of the sublime chord
(provided she has line of effect to the fire’s point of origin). Creatures in the area take damage equal to the sublime chord’s Perform check result. All affected creatures are entitled to a Reflex save (DC 10 + sublime chord level + Cha modifier) for half damage.

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