The video hopefully shows a little more clearly the steps below. 3) Open the console (~ key by default) and type 'charinfo 1'. Nov 11, 2018 @ 5:52pm Yes. CK2 Blog. All Discussions .. but I conquered Kent so I have a city as one of my holdings but there's no option in the intrigue menu to change to a Merchant Republic, only Feudal. there's a video guide in the videos section how to flip a feudal to merchant republic without console commands: In order to become a Merchant Republic legitly is to start as a tribal, start as a coastal county/ move capital to a coastal county, have Large Market Town (4/4 Tribe gold income building) which takes at least 1 point in Town Tech, Be an Organized religon (Catholic, Islamic, Orthadox, ect) or Organize a Pagan religion (Norse, Slavic, West African, ect), and have Max tribal Organization which requires you to be at least a Duchy in size.
Set_government Syntax. Nov 11, 2018 @ 6:35pm sigh.. thanks #2. bri. 6) Type 'give_title c_
Note, though, that you only have to be independent at the instant you click the decision., While holding your primary title, make sure that you own a county and duchy. Not satisfied with the default Merchant Republics, use this guide to create your very own wherever you want (with certain restrictions), at any historical start period you like, and with any culture or religion you like as a basis.
It also has an improved Lithuanian version that makes life better for Lithuanians and much more likely to resist Christian crusaders. Crusader Kings 2 Set_government Command. You can also just use console commands to fix his traits and skills. First of all, this can really only be achieved by kingdom/empire status rulers. © Valve Corporation. He will become mayor. This well make for a slower start but is not unsurmountable. Note that if you don't like his starting traits you can reload a new game as these are randomly generated each time. < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . All rights reserved. So that means that it's not possible to make it a 'Day one'-switch w/o console. Not satisfied with the default Merchant Republics, use this guide to create your very own wherever you want (with certain restrictions), at any historical start period you like, and with any culture or religion you like as a basis.
you have to raise your tribal organization to highest level (absolute? 2) Open the console (~ key by default) and type 'charinfo 1'. (Doens't need to be related but can be useful). txt), PDF File (. The republic will become a vassal of the republic's creater and this may cause bad relations between ruler and yourself since you are two different government types (-30). Nov 11, 2018 @ 9:18pm Sorry. 4) Hover your mouse pointer over the mayor's portrait and note his character number. Alternative method that allows you to play your created ruler: 1) Start a new game, pick any start location as country where you want your Republic. Do I need to be independent to become one? WalesStep 1: Choose a Feudal Start That is Near Tribal Counties First things first, you will want the right start. tribals can become feudal or merchant republic by decision, so no console needed. Crusader Kings II How to Make Your Own Merchant Republic (Tutorial)-0. Another problem is that areas that don't include kingdoms will require said kingdom to be created (or the county/duchy in question become owned by another ruler). Swear fealty to a feudal lord. 6) Type 'give_title d_

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Ck2 Vassal Merchant Republic
1) Start a new game, pick any start location except where you actually want to have your Republic. 6) Type 'givetitle c'. 8) Revoke mayor title from city mayor. ), you need a fully upgraded market in the tribal holding (or fully upgraded walls if you want to go feudal). Crusader Kings II - #14 Feudal. To change a large republic into a county or a theocracy, a king would have to revoke its primary title, then bestow it upon a baron or count within the borders of the republic. Having control of a feudal holding within the republic will automatically transform the republic title into a feudal title.
Ck2 Republic To Feudal
So in my current save, as a merchant republic i have taken over all of ireland the year is currently 872 start date was the 7- start date. All of the proviences are all cities, with only a castle here and there on some of the proviences. Anyways, how do i covert into a feudal rulership from merchant republic. Crusader Kings II - #14 Feudal vs Tribal Imperor. Alternative way - use 'Find Character' later. All Discussions. Tribals can become feudal or merchant republic by decision, so no console needed. Disadvantages of this system can be that the culture/religion of the mayor will affect all families of the republic.